I wondered, how can i make this entry more interesting....blahh, there's no one actually read this...kui4. its a shame though but to those who
Well, soon i realised thats all just my feeling of insecurity, cos i want people to know me as some damn good girls. once i make cute lil mistake, i thought world come to an end. Nahhh...i finally wake up! Screw u! i dont give a damn...haha. lantaklah ko nk cakap apa, ak xheran..sbb apa? Sebab ak taw ko bkn sape-sape dalam hidup aku. Blahhhs...
When i was in part 3 Diploma, for those who got CGPA above 3.00 qualified to go straight to degree in Chemical engineering (ChE). lucky instead, i managed to secure my CGPA, Alhamdulillah. Yay! Escaped from Dungun!
Here i come Shah Alam. Well, every decision we make has its pro and cons. Some, we'll regret but some we'll cherished. and coming to Shah Alam is the best thing ever. but sadly, i left my dearest friend Fatin Keiko.
Best Friends = Cheer you up when you're down; Comforts you when you're sad;
Fightfor you when you're hurt!